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The Professionals Aid Guild

The Professionals Aid Council (PAC) and its associated charity, The Guild of Aid (the Guild), were two separate charities for over a century.  They had many of the same eligibility criteria and broadly similar objectives.  Most of the beneficiaries received grants and gifts from both charities.  The two charities shared the same staff, office accommodation and expenses, including staff costs. During 2015, the boards of the two charities began to consider merging the two funds for the practical advantages that would accrue to the administration and for the benefit of applicants. The process was completed in the Autumn of 2016, when the Deed of Transfer of Charitable Undertaking between the Professionals Aid Council and The Guild of Aid was signed by the chairmen of both charities.  The Guild transferred the major part of its assets to PAC.  A small balance was left in the Guild to ensure its continued existence as a legal entity. The boards agreed to change the name of the charity to the Professionals Aid Guild (PAG).  The Professionals Aid Council retains its original company name on the register at Companies House.  This means the Annual Reports and Financial Statements continue to use the name PAC whilst The Guild retains its Friendly Society status.

The Professionals Aid Guild and its specialist committees consider each case in detail. Grants and gifts are tailored to individual needs. PAG is able to help in a number of ways, for example by giving

  • a monthly grant to assist with living expenses
  • a contribution towards essential household furniture
  • assistance towards the cost of essential repairs to the home
  • a contribution towards care home fees, in partnership with other charities
  • help with the cost of school uniforms, stationery or travel costs
  • grants for university students towards fees, books or dissertation costs

Whilst grants are often quite small, they frequently make a substantial difference to the person involved.  PAG collaborates with a number of organisations and professional bodies to achieve a more satisfactory result.  On occasions, applicants may be referred to other agencies for more specialist advice.

  • History Professionals Aid Council
  • The Guild of Aid


Professionals Aid Council

At its founding in 1914, the aim of the Professionals Aid Council was to help members of various professions and their dependents, for whom such help was not otherwise available.  Then, as now, there were many occupational funds offering advice and financial aid to their members.  PAC differed in that it has a more “open” policy and is able to assist individuals and families from any professional background who hold an eligible qualification, rather than being restricted to a particular profession. 

Following the deed of transfer in 2016  the Professionals Aid Council now operates under the name Professionals Aid Guild (PAG). The charity continues to help professionals and graduates throughout the UK, and can make a real difference to those affected by redundancy, illness, disability, family breakdown or poverty in retirement.  Where appropriate, applicants are advised to contact their own professional body, however, there are still many applicants who are regarded as professionals, but who do not qualify for help from a specific professional fund.  For individuals such as these, the charity can frequently offer advice and support – and often may be the only organisation which can help at a time of financial hardship.

Guild of Aid

Set up by Hearth and Home magazine in 1904, readers became members of the Guild by paying one guinea subscription and were entitled to nominate people they felt could benefit from the Guild’s funds. The Guild answered these requests for help through directly granting specific gifts such as clothes and bedding as well as monetary support. At a time when the Welfare State was still undreamed of, the Guild soon became a popular benevolent fund, helping those worst affected by poverty in the UK. The objects of The Guild of Aid were to help men and women of “gentle birth or good education” and their families.  In 2010, the objects were updated to make them more relevant to the current climate.  The Guild continued to help people in difficulty, interpreting the aims and objectives as broadly as possible.  It paid particular attention to the educational background of applicants and, where appropriate, of their parents and spouse.


The Guild of Aid

All content © 2018 Professionals Aid Council. Registered office at Professionals Aid Council 7-14 Great Dover Street
London, SE1 4YR Professionals Aid Council is a registered Charity No. 207292. Registered as a company limited by guarantee and registered in England No.174262